Thank you, thank you, thank you and Merci beaucoups to... (Click on the name to visit their website!)
CNCC Garden Crew for building the raised beds and making the signs, digging stage two, building the center structure and entrance structure with cedar posts, mulching where the fruit trees and berry bushes will go, making holes for the fruit trees and berry bushes... THANKS MARTIN!!!!
TIM-BR Mart for donating the lumber needed to build the raised beds and for building (and subsequently re-building) the message board.
Town of Midland Parks and Rec for putting it all in place, delivering and dumping top soil and leaves and for their continued support. For the outdoor tap, the storage room and the muscle. For putting up snow fencing to keep the gardens safe from snowmobiles over the winter. For washing the graffiti off the surrounding buildings and for repainting the storage room door.
Keith Johnston in Elmvale for the delicious triple mix in spring of 2011.
Norman's Garden Gallery for their donation of seeds and plants in Spring of 2011.
Xtremely Graphic Signs for all of out signs including the labels on our raised beds, information signs and our welcome sign.
Bestway Rentall for the use of augers on various occasions. They sure saved us many hours of digging!
ZipZap Translations for translating our brochure in 2012.
Huronia Museum for sharing their tools :)
Huronia Community Foundations for our first $1600 in 2011 for the purchase of soil, seeds, tools, materials and other gardening needs.
TD Friends of the Environment for a $2500 grant in 2012/2013 to plant and maintain a variety of fruit trees and berry bushes.
B & L Tree Services for the beautiful wood chips in Spring of 2013.
Lyn Lacroix for the four invaluable rain barrels that we use to deep water our plants with buckets.
To all the people who have donated seeds and come out to help.
To our amazing committee members for donating their time and energy :)