Get Involved

There is always something for everyone in a garden!

Over the summer the biggest job is WATERING

We have four big rain barrels that we try to fill at least once a week and then we use buckets to deep water our plants. Individuals adopt smaller sections of the gardens to make sure they get watered between meetings if necessary and to keep an eye on any other needs of the plants including harvesting, weeding, mulching and pest control.

Want to get involved but don't want to commit to coming on a regular basis?

-Donate plants that you've split
-Join us on big work days
-Get on our mailing list
-Visit the gardens on your walks through the park
-Take your children to the gardens to learn through nature
-Stop by and pull some twitch grass when you're feeling like you need some weedy meditation
-Give us advice or send us useful links

Whatever your talents there is something for everyone. Please email if you or someone you know are interested in participating in Midland Community Gardens. 

We are limited only by our own imagination :)