What's Growing 2019

Still gardening strong!
Every year has been a wonderful year for us as our community of gardeners and friends continues to grow.
We would LOVE to have more volunteers join our community and there really and truly is something for everyone. Beyond planting, watering, weeding and harvesting we also value photography and blog posts ;) Perhaps you like to create newsletter or apply for funding. Perhaps you like to fundraise or create things.
Whatever your talents may be...
You are welcome to email us... midlandcommunitygardens@gmail.com
Find us on facebook
call Julie! 705-526-0740
Or head down to the gardens (Tuesdays and Sundays? Thursdays? )
*I'll try and keep this up to date!
We are right across from the dog park. Super easy to find. Super beautiful location.
Come and enjoy the nature, the beauty and the gardens :)
aiming to start eating at 5:45.
Laura Jane will open up at 5 pm. I was advised that we should allow
20 min. or so for their speed-challenged oven to heat-up. Please let me
know if you need oven time there so we can get the oven started early.
Since I am better at growing food than cooking it :) I will bring salad
basics -
lettuce, kale and dressings from Operation Grow. The rest of the menu is
Pure Potluck!
Please bring your own plates, mugs, cutlery etc. and a cold drink if you
like. Coffee and tea will be available.
Agenda: Casual
- celebrating tasty food - memories of 2018 for fun and learning -
Inspirations for 2019 - all welcome!.
Laura Jane and I are sure looking forward to brightening up these "bleak
mid-winter" days by sharing food and fun with you on Friday!
PS Hope you are all familiar with Chigamik's location - #845 King St. -
little strip plaza - East side of King, across from car dealer.
Newsletter Fall 2018
Midland Community Gardens succeeded in pleasing the many visitors to the garden during season. And that is in spite of late spring‘s still-frozen ground, followed by drought and a record number of “heat warning” summer days, and too many ‘too-wet-to-work' days this fall
Midland Community Garden “winterizing” is steadily progressing. Peter Murray wins the first-to-finish WHAM prize for completing the weeding, harvesting, and mulching of the Spiral Herb Garden
Most of the rental beds are well on the way. Thank you to Susan, Karole, Monique, Nanette, Joe, Jennifer, Morgan, Elija, Milka, and Jenny. A reminder to renters: there is still triple mix available for top dressing your beds, and chicken wire for holding down leaf cover is in the shed. The triple mix and a sled for moving it and/or wood-chip mulch is under the black tarp near the north compost bins. Make an appointment with Julie to get chicken wire. First come, first served.
The compost bins and small ‘insitu’ ones situated throughout the whole garden can receive your garden weeds and leaves from home. Just leaves and not oak please!. Chopped leaves will compost quickest. Weather is not proving helpful for drying the leaves so they will chop better when you run over them with your mower. Thank you to Jean, Pat, and Morgan for compost work.
Fall Projects:
Julie is still hopeful of completing the Hugel bed in the raised bed/rental area.
The creating of a Medicine Wheel Garden on our first Hugel mound is moving forward, slowly but hopefully surely! Thank you to Janet and TJ for clearing the sunflowers and weeding the ‘mound’.
The weeding of the ground around the apple trees has been completed, thanks to Monique, Trish, and Julie. Pruning and possibly some wrapping and trunk-painting to follow soon.
Mulching and weeding are perennial tasks. Thank to us all and Cory. More of it will continue until cold and snow force us inside! Web-siting is also perennial. Thank you, Peter Ladage. And thank you, Laura Jane, for Facebook help.
Julie at 705-526-0740 or jwb@bellnet.ca
Newsletter Summer 2018
The spiral bed was built by Peter and Chris Murray of Yhcrana Organics, using old logs, brush, compost, wood chips, and soil, that eliminates any need to apply chemically synthesized fertilizers.
2018 is providing weather extremes of temperatures and drought conditions are proving challenging for our food growing. However, faithful volunteers and plot renters are keeping things green and flowering, harvesting rave comments from visitors - especially for the beautiful blue false indigo flowers and now the prolific daisies.

The central herb and salad beds are underway and the Parks Dept has topped up the north pile for path-mulching around the rental plots. We certainly invite sharing of our prolific mint and oregano!

Julie will be in the garden from 7–8 pm Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday evenings. These nights encourage meet-up with MCG gardeners. Sunday nights include music to weed by as we are within earshot of the Sunday evening concerts. Julie will try to meet needs for tools, etc, at other times. 705-526–0740 or jwb@bellnet to make arrangements.
Meet at the Gardens, 7-8pm.
July 3 – Watering; compost tea for plants; mint infusion for us!
July 10 - Herbs
Please bring questions and suggestions for more Tuesday nights. Or send to Susan at s.hirst@rogers.com.
We now have some of our very own MCG compost for garden use. Pat’s family has again provided leadership in the north compost bins. Peter D brought bags of leaves last fall for the south bin. Jean is spearheading our new partnership with Operation Grow and bringing us compost from that indoor growing facility every Friday.
The trees survived the winter, and the apple trees have set fruit. We would love to have a volunteer who would make weekly visits and advise on the care of the trees. The cherry tree has been planted in the centre of the children’s garden. The fruit bushes have fruited but not showing signs of filling out yet.
Always worthwhile. Organized by the Midland Horticultural Society. Saturday, July 14.
Welcome to Midland Community Gardens
Established in 2011 for local organizations and groups of individuals
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Midland Community Gardens aims to create bio-diverse spaces based on ecological gardening practices that will serve to feed people, beautify the town and create meaningful relationships through group gardening and community partnerships.
Midland Community Gardens is established with the following purpose:
- To provide an area where individuals, organizations or groups of individuals can plant and maintain a garden plot for personal or shared consumption and enjoyment
- To plant a variety of trees, bushes, herbs, flowers and vegetables
- To promote ecologically responsible gardening practices
- To educate the community about sustainable gardening and food security
- To encourage sharing the harvest
- To beautify the Town of Midland
- To be a source for information and resources
- To work together and help each other
Guiding Principles
Inclusive, ecological, sustainable, positive, respect, trust, cooperation, team work
Short Term: 2011
-12 raised bed vegetables gardens
-Local partnerships
-Grant money or donated materials
-Executive committee
-Fruit trees, perennial flowers, berry bushes, shrubs, herbs
-Increased awareness of Midland Community Gardens group
-Planting of the Three Sisters to be donated to charities
-Group work days
Long Term: 5 year plan
-Food security for all participating persons
-A sustainable green space full of a variety of edibles
-Increased biodiversity in our area
-An increased awareness of the importance of growing food sustainably and ecologically
-Workshops on ecological gardening, permaculture, food security
-Various community gardens throughout the town of Midland
-The creation of Community gardens in other towns and villages
-A variety of charity, group and individual garden plots
-More front yard and back yard gardens
Please browse our site for more information and feel free to contact us or come and visit at Little Lake Park.